Celebrate Your Routine
And elevate your excavation.
Modern defect-oriented and minimally invasive treatments prioritize preserving natural tooth structure by avoiding over-preparation. The key principle: remove as much decayed material as necessary, but as little as possible. Current best practices indicate that demineralized dentin should not be entirely removed unless it is carious, as excessive removal can compromise tooth integrity. However, its soft texture makes it prone to accidental removal, making precise cavity boundary determination a challenge for dentists.
To enhance efficiency and accuracy in excavation, Komet round burs H1SE / H1SEM feature large chip spaces that minimize clogging and allow for easy debris removal. This ensures consistent cutting performance, improving treatment speed and patient comfort. Additionally, the transversing blade tip optimizes fast excavation while reducing vibration, benefiting both dentist and patient.
With Komet excavation instruments, dentists can perform more efficient, precise, and patient-friendly cavity excavation, aligning with the highest standards of modern restorative dentistry.

"I always use a round bur for excavation, especially for preparation and caries removal in proximity to the pulp."
Dr. med. dent. Doreen Altenfeld-Schwalbe
Msc. Orthodontics, Specializing in paediatric dentistry

On center stage H1SE & H1SEM
Komet introduces the H1SE, a tungsten carbide round bur featuring unique hybrid toothing built to state-of-the-art standards. The dual toothing design enhances dental functionality and boosts treatment comfort. Its round working part and sharp tip transversing blade enable fast, gentle excavation, while staggered lateral toothing minimizes vibrations for increased patient and dentist comfort. Lab results confirm its exceptionally smooth operation. The H1SEM offers all the benefits of the H1SE with a slim neck for improved visibility—ideal for use with treatment microscopes. Overall, the smooth operation of the H1SEM significantly enhances patient comfort.