Filling Procedure

Dental Filling Procedure: Fast, Precise & Reliable Solutions with Komet

Turn everyday dental care into a premium experience. In modern restorative dentistry, dental fillings play a crucial role in treating tooth decay and preserving long-term oral health. A successful filling procedure requires precision, efficiency, and maximum patient comfort.

This is where Komet dental instruments make a difference. With over 100 years of expertise, Komet sets the standard for high-performance dental tools trusted by professionals worldwide.

From the highly effective 4Comp filling remover to the advanced DIAO diamond bur for cavity preparation, the clog-resistant H1SE or H1SEM for caries excavation, and the Q-finisher for a flawless final touch—Komet provides a complete solution for fast, safe, and long-lasting dental restorations.

Celebrate your routine with Komet, where each filling is a homage to the art of dentistry.

What Our Customers Say – Real Experiences with Our Instruments

"The filling procedure constitutes a cornerstone of my practice. That’s what I started with. The placing of a filling is the first thing you learn and in my practice, it’s a crucial, ever-present process."

Dr. med. dent. Doreen Altenfeld-Schwalbe

Msc. Orthodontics, Specializing in paediatric dentistry

"Restorative treatments are an essential part of my dental work. This mainly includes fillings, which account for 45-50% of my daily workload. Therefore, the acquisition of reliable, high-quality dental instruments for fillings is of the utmost importance to ensure the smooth running of my daily clinical work."

Dr. Benichou

Toulouse, France

"Dentists like to express themselves through their filling procedure. This goes far beyond the daily routine, it is also a bit of self-fulfillment. Everyone goes to great lengths to achieve a great result, sometimes even a little better than the patient actually appreciates."

Prof. Dr. Frankenberger

University of Marburg, Germany

"Filling procedures can indeed take up a lot of time in my dental practice, but with efficient organization of the various steps and materials, this procedure remains profitable without compromising the quality of care for my patients."

Dr. Luca Tacchini

Brescia, Italy